

Ask the Bible- [electronic resource] : the 400 most commonly asked questions about the Old Testament.
Ask the Bible- [electronic resource] : the 400 most commonly asked questions about the Old Testament.
Sofer, Morry.
Ask the Bible - [electronic resource] : the 400 most commonly asked questions about the Old Testament. Sofer, Morry
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2004
353 p.
Ask the Bible: the 400 most commonly asked questions about the Old Testament -- Aknowledgments -- Contents -- The Most Questioned Book in the World -- The Bible: An Overview -- General Questions -- Torah, Prophets, Writings -- Part One: Torah -- Genesis: The Beginning -- Exodus: Bondage and Redemption -- Leviticus: Laws and Statutes -- Numbers: The Birth of a Nation -- Deuteronomy: Moses' Legacy -- Part Two: Prophets -- Joshua: The Conquest of Canaan -- Judges: The Pre-Monarchic Period -- I Samuel: The Beginning of the Monarchy -- II Samuel: The Kingdom of David -- I Kings: The Kingdom of Solomon and the Divided Kingdom -- II Kings: The Ten Lost Tribes and the Age of the Great Prophets -- Isaiah: God's Dominance and Man's Arrogance -- Jeremiah: Destruction and the Promise of Redemption -- Ezekiel: The Dry Bones and the Grand Vision -- Hosea: God's Love for Wayward Israel -- Joel: The Locust and the End of Days -- Amos: God Spoke, Who Will Not Prophesy? -- Obadiah: Judgment on Edom -- Jonah: Running Away From God -- Micah: Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly -- Nahum: The Enigmatic Prophet -- Habakkuk: Might is Right and the Faith of the Righteous -- Zephaniah: The Day of the Almighty -- Haggai: The Rebuilding of the Temple -- Zechariah: Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by My Spirit -- Malachi: The End of the Prophetic Era -- Part Three: Writings -- The Psalms: The Language of the Soul -- Proverbs: Folk Wisdom -- Job: History's Greatest Question -- Song of Songs: Solomon's Love Song -- Ruth: A Story of Devotion -- Lamentations: An Elegy for Jerusalem -- Ecclesiastes: Vanity of Vanities -- Esther: The Queen Who Saved Her People -- Daniel: Champion of God -- Ezra: The Return to Zion -- Nehemiah: Rebuilding Jerusalem -- Chronicles: Recounting Past Glory -- Concluding Questions -- Bibliography -- Index
요약 : The book is written from a non-sectarian viewpoint and shows, in the words of biblical scholar Gunther Plaut, respect for all aspects of the Bible. Includes 50 full-page illustrations by 19th century French artist, Gustav Dore.
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Sofer, Morry
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