

Handbook for the study of the historical Jesus- [electronic resource: e-book]
Handbook for the study of the historical Jesus- [electronic resource: e-book]
9789004210219 (electronic book)
Holmén, Tom
Handbook for the study of the historical Jesus - [electronic resource: e-book] / edited by Tom Holmén and Stanley E. Porter.
Leiden : Brill, 2011.
1 online resource.
Brill eBook titles
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Volume 1: How to Study the Historical Jesus / Tom Holmén and Stanley E. Porter -- Contemporary Methodological Approaches How to Marginalize the Traditional Criteria of Authenticity / Dale C Allison -- Fourth Quest? What Did Jesus Really Want? / Ernst Baasland -- The Search for Jesus' Special Profile / Jürgen Becker -- The Historical Jesus: How to Ask Questions and Remain Inquisitive / James H. Charlesworth -- Method in a Critical Study of Jesus / Bruce D. Chilton -- Context and Text in Historical Jesus Methodology / John Dominic Crossan -- Remembering Jesus: How the Quest of the Historical Jesus Lost its Way / James D. G. Dunn -- Jesus-in-Context: A Relational Approach / Richard A. Horsley -- Sources, Methods and Discursive Locations in the Quest of the Historical Jesus / John S. Kloppenborg -- Basic Methodology in the Quest for the Historical Jesus / John P. Meier -- Jesus Research as Feedback on His Wirkungsgeschichte / Petr Pokorný -- The Role of Greek Language Criteria in Historical Jesus Research / Stanley E. Porter -- From the Messianic Teacher to the Gospels of Jesus Christ / Rainer Riesner -- The Gospel of the Historical Jesus / James M. Robinson -- Scholarly Rigor and Intuition in Historical Research into Jesus / Jacques Schlosser -- Critical Feminist Historical-Jesus Research / Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza -- Historical Scepticism and the Criteria of Jesus Research: My Attempt to Leap Over Lessing's Ugly Wide Ditch / Gerd TheiSSen -- A Metalanguage for the Historical Jesus Methods: An Experiment / Tom Holmén -- Various Aspects of Historical Jesus Methodology With the Grain and against the Grain: A Strategy for Reading the Synoptic Gospels / Colin Brown -- Form Criticism and Jesus Research / Arland J. Hultgren -- Tradition Criticism and Jesus Research / Grant R. Osborne -- The Criteria of Authenticity / Stanley E. Porter -- Alternatives to Form and Tradition Criticism in Jesus Research / Tobias Nicklas -- Social-Scientific Approaches and Jesus Research / Bruce J. Malina -- New Literary Criticism and Jesus Research / Elizabeth Struthers Malbon -- Memory Theory and Jesus Research / Alan Kirk -- The Burden of Proof in Jesus Research / Dagmar Winter -- Volume 2: The Study of Jesus / Tom Holmén and Stanley E. Porter -- The Ongoing Quest for the Historical Jesus The Quest of the Unhistorical Jesus and the Quest of the Historical Jesus / Colin Brown -- Futures for the Jesus Quests / Bengt Holmberg -- The Parable of the Goose and the Mirror: The Historical Jesus in the Theological Discipline / Scot McKnight -- Historical Jesus Research in Global Cultural Context / Teresa Okure -- Diverse Agendas at Work in the Jesus Quest / Clive Marsh -- Jesus of Nazareth and the Christ of Faith: Approaches to the Question in Historical Jesus Research / Sven-Olav Back -- The Jesus Quest and Jewish-Christian Relations / Donald A. Hagner -- Historic Jesuses / Cees den Heyer -- Current Questions of Jesus Research Jesus and Cynicism / F. Gerald Downing -- Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel / Steve Moyise -- Implicit Christology and the Historical Jesus / Edwin K. Broadhead -- Jesus and the "Partings of the Ways" / Michael F. Bird.
요약 : A hundred years after A. Schweitzer's Von Reimarus zu Wrede , the study of the historical Jesus is again experiencing a renaissance. Ongoing since the beginning of the 1980's, this renaissance has produced an abundance of Jesus studies that also display a welcome diversity of methods, approaches and hypotheses. The Handbook of the Study of the Historical Jesus is designed to handle this diversity and abundance. Drawing from first-class scholarship throughout the world, the four large volumes of the Handbook offer a unique assembly of leading experts presenting their approaches to the historical Jesus, as well as a thought-out compilation of original studies on a large variety of topics pertaining to Jesus research and adjacent areas.
기타 저자  
Holmén, Tom.
기타 저자  
Porter, Stanley E., , 1956-
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