

Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling- [electronic resource : e-book] : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Science
Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling- [electronic resource : e-book] : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Science
9788367405072 (electronic bk.)
Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling - [electronic resource : e-book] : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Science / ed. by Alina Mihaela Dima.
1 online resource.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences ; 4
요약 : The International Conferences on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS) organized by Bucharest University of Economic Studies provide an opportunity for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas. The papers presented at the Conference are available online in the Conference Proceedings series (ISSN 2704-6524): Volume 2019 Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences, ISBN 9788366675322 Volume 2020 Innovative Models to Revive the Global Economy, ISBN 9788395815072 Volume 2021 Resilience and Economic Intelligence Through Digitalization and Big Data Analytics, ISBN 9788366675704 The past years' uncertainties and pressures resulted from the pandemic, alongside new developments in social technology, 5G, cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality, generated the perfect setting for the metaverse to gain traction. Several companies found there's a critical need to redefine the work environment and started exploring the metaverse concept beyond the entertainment sector. Thus, new tools for collaboration and data visualization within a digital shared space are being created, aiming for a fully immersive interaction between the virtual and the physical worlds within the next few years. While still in its early developments, the metaverse can be seen as an extension of the social media platforms, and an opportunity to leverage remote work even further. ICESS 2022 provides a space for all those interested in Economics and Social Sciences to discuss and exchange research ideas in the light of the work environment, business model, and technological changes driven by COVID-19. We welcome both empirical and theoretical work that is broadly consistent with the conference's general theme. The main topics of the conference are focused on, but not limited to, the following sections: Applied Economics and Statistics and Data Science Management in the Metaverse Era - the Role of Digital Transformation in Fostering Recovery of Public and Private Organizations Financial perspectives in turbulent times Resilient Agri-food and Environmental Systems for Sustainable Development and Agile Entrepreneurship Innovative Strategies and Models in Higher Education Digitalization impact on economic recovery in the context of Covid-19 pandemic Digital Leadership and Resilient Entrepreneurship in the Metaverse Era Marketing and Sustainability The role of accounting frameworks and digitalization in fostering recovery Global world after crisis: towards a new economic model Building business in times of crisis through entrepreneurship Current challenges within demographic data: measurement, collection, retrieval, analysis and reporting Looking into the future of a legal metaverse? Experimental Economics SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE 2022 ACELEANU Mirela, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania ALBU Lucian, Academia Romana, Romania ANGHEL Ion, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania ARROYO GALLARDO Javier, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain AUSLOOS Marcel, Leicester University, United Kingdom BEGALLI Diego.
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Darie, Casiana Maria
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Davidescu, Adriana Ana Maria
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Dima, Alina Mihaela
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Dima, Alina Mihaela
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